Learning The Days Of The Week In Norwegian and Their Meanings
01 March 2023
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Unsplash: Darya Tryfanava
Sunday is considered as the first day of the week, but in Norway, the week officially starts on Monday. Then, it is followed by Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and then Sunday. Then, the week restarts again with Monday and ends with Sunday. Yep, it’s the same cycle week after week. Therefore, if you’re learning Norwegian, one of the first things you must do is memorize the days of the week. And that isn’t a bad thing, because mastering the days of the week is a great way to improve your skills in this Scandinavian language.
Now, the thing about the days of the week in Norwegian is that they never begin with a capital letter when written, and each has its own unique and special meaning. Some days are associated with a celestial body. Other days are associated with figures from Norse mythology. And one of them is just a random name that is derived from Norse culture. If you’re curious what the days of the week are in Norwegian, read on and find out!
Days of the Week
- Monday: mandag (man-dag) named after Måne, who was named after the moon
- Tuesday: tirsdag (tirsh-dag) named after Tyr, the Norse god of war and justice
- Wednesday: onsdag (ons-dag) named after Odin, the Norse god of war
- Thursday: torsdag (torsh-dag) named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, sky, and agriculture
- Friday: fredag (freya-dag) named after Frigg and Freya, the Norse goddesses of love
- Saturday: lørdag (lur-dag) name is derived from the Old Norse word “laugardagr” which means washing day
- Sunday: søndag (sun-dag) named after Sól, who was named after the sun
Basic Vocabulary
- Now: nå (noh)
- Daily: daglig (dag-lig)
- Weekly: ukentlig (ooh-kent-lig)
- Next week: neste uke (nes-teh ooh-ka)
- Day: dag (dag)
- Week: uke (ooh-ka)
- Weekend: helg (helg)
- Yesterday: i går (ee gor)
- Today: i dag (ee dag)
- Tomorrow: i morgen (ee mohrn)
- Tonight: i kveld (ee kuh-vel)
- Morning: morgen (mohrn)
- Afternoon: ettermiddag (et-ter-mid-dag)
- Evening: kveld (kuh-vel)
- Night: natt (not)
- Midnight: midnatt (mid-not)